Mutual Funds
Top 10 Papers
CARHART, M.M., 1997. On persistence in mutual fund performance . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 720 ]
GRUBER, M.J., 1996. Another Puzzle: The Growth in Actively Managed Mutual Funds . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 295 ]
CARHART, M.M., et al. , 2002. Mutual Fund Survivorship . Review of Financial Studies. [Cited by 48 ]
CHEVALIER, J., G. ELLISON and M.P. PAGE, 1995. Risk Taking by Mutual Funds as a Response to Incentives . NBER Working paper no. [Cited by 285 ]
GRINBLATT, M., S. TITMAN and R. WERMERS, 1995. Momentum investment strategies, portfolio performance, and herding: A study of mutual fund behavior . American Economic Review. [Cited by 255 ]
JENSEN, M.C., 1968. The performance of mutual funds in the period 1945-1964 . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 474 ]
MALKIEL, B.G., 1995. Returns from investing in equity mutual funds 1971 to 1991 . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 243 ]
SHARPE, W.F., 1966. Mutual Fund Performance. Journal of Business. [Cited by 373 ]
IPPOLITO, R.A., 1992. Consumer reaction to measures of poor quality: Evidence from the mutual fund industry . Journal of Law and Economics. [Cited by 139 ]
FALKENSTEIN, E.G., 1996. Preferences for stock characteristics as revealed by mutual fund portfolio holdings . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 143 ]
ALMAZAN, A., et al. , 2004. Why Constrain Your Mutual Fund Manager? . Journal of Financial Economics. [Cited by 42 ]
BAKS, K.P., A. METRICK and J. WACHTER, 2001. Should Investors Avoid All Actively Managed Mutual Funds? A Study in Bayesian Performance Evaluation . The Journal of Finance. [Cited by 46 ]
BARBER, B.M., T. ODEAN and L. ZHENG, 2002. Out of sight, out of mind: the effects of expenses on mutual fund flows . [Cited by 36 ]
BARCLAY, M.J., N. PEARSON and M.S. WEISBACH, 1998. Open-end mutual funds and capital gains taxes . Journal of Financial Economics. [Cited by 30 ]
BAUMOL, W.J., et al. , 1990. The Economics of mutual fund markets: competition versus regulation. Boston: Kluwer Academic. [Cited by 33 ]
BERGSTRESSER, D., J.M. POTERBA and M.P. PAGE, 2000. Do after-tax returns affect mutual fund inflows? . [Cited by 43 ]
BERK, J.B. and R.C. GREEN, 2004. Mutual Fund Flows and Performance in Rational Markets . Journal of Political Economy. [Cited by 81 ]
BLAKE, C.R. and M.R. MOREY, 2000. Morningstar Ratings and Mutual Fund Performance . Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. [Cited by 32 ]
BLAKE, C.R., E.J. ELTON and M.J. GRUBER, 1993. The performance of bond mutual funds. [Cited by 62 ]
BLAKE, D. and A. TIMMERMANN, 1998. Mutual Fund Performance: Evidence from the UK . European Finance Review. [Cited by 32 ]
BOLLEN, N.P.B. and J.A. BUSSE, 2001. On the Timing Ability of Mutual Fund Managers . The Journal of Finance. [Cited by 42 ]
BORENSZTEIN, E.R. and G. GELOS, 2000. A panic-prone pack?: the behavior of emerging market mutual funds . [Cited by 42 ]
BOUDREAUX, K.J., 1973. Discounts and premiums on closed-end mutual funds: A study in valuation . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 30 ]
BROWN, K.C., W.V. HARLOW and L.T. STARKS, 1996. Of tournaments and temptations: An analysis of managerial incentives in the mutual fund industry . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 171 ]
BROWN, S.J. and W.N. GOETZMANN, 1994. Mutual fund styles . [Cited by 95 ]
BUSSE, J.A., 1999. Volatility timing in mutual funds: evidence from daily returns . Review of Financial Studies. [Cited by 39 ]
BUSSE, J.A., 2001. Another Look at Mutual Fund Tournaments . Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. [Cited by 58 ]
CAI, J., K.C. CHAN and T. YAMADA, 1997. The performance of Japanese mutual funds . Review of Financial Studies. [Cited by 27 ]
CAPON, N., G.J. FITZSIMONS and R. ALAN, 1996. An individual level analysis of the mutual fund investment decision . Journal of Financial Services Research. [Cited by 39 ]
CARHART, M.M., 1997. On persistence in mutual fund performance . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 720 ]
CARHART, M.M., et al. , 2002. Leaning for the Tape: Evidence of Gaming Behavior in Equity Mutual Funds . The Journal of Finance. [Cited by 28 ]
CARHART, M.M., et al. , 2002. Mutual Fund Survivorship . Review of Financial Studies. [Cited by 48 ]
CASS, D. and J.E. STIGLITZ, 1970. … Returns, and Separability in Portfolio Allocation: A Contribution to the Pure Theory of Mutual Funds . Journal of Economic Theory. [Cited by 82 ]
CHAN, L.K.C., H. CHEN and J. LAKONISHOK, 2002. On Mutual Fund Investment Styles . Review of Financial Studies. [Cited by 43 ]
CHANG, E.C. and W.G. LEWELLEN, 1984. Market Timing and Mutual Fund Investment Performance . Journal of Business. [Cited by 41 ]
CHEN, H.L., N. JEGADEESH and R. WERMERS, 2000. The value of active mutual fund management: An examination of the stockholdings and trades of fund … . Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. [Cited by 60 ]
CHEVALIER, J., G. ELLISON and M.P. PAGE, 1995. Risk Taking by Mutual Funds as a Response to Incentives . NBER Working paper no. [Cited by 285 ]
CHEVALIER, J., G. ELLISON and M.P. PAGE, 1999. Are Some Mutual Fund Managers Better Than Others? Cross-Sectional Patterns in Behavior and … . The Journal of Finance. [Cited by 99 ]
CHEVALIER, J., G. ELLISON and M.P. PAGE, 1999. Career concerns of mutual fund managers . Quarterly Journal of Economics. [Cited by 123 ]
CHORDIA, T., 1993. The structure of mutual fund charges . [Cited by 58 ]
CONNOR, G. and R.A. KORAJCZYK, 1988. The attributes, behavior and performance of US mutual funds. [Cited by 33 ]
CUMBY, R.E. and J.D. GLEN, 1990. Evaluating the Performance of International Mutual Funds . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 78 ]
DAHLQUIST, M., S. ENGSTROEM and P. SOEDERLIND, 2000. Performance and characteristics of Swedish mutual funds . Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. [Cited by 26 ]
DANIEL, K., et al. , 1997. Measuring mutual fund performance with characteristic-based benchmarks . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 202 ]
DEL, D. and P. TKAC, 2002. The determinants of the flow of funds of managed portfolios: Mutual funds vs. pension funds . Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. [Cited by 52 ]
DERMINE, J. and L.H. ROELLER, 1992. Economies of scale and scope in French mutual funds . Journal of Financial Intermediation. [Cited by 27 ]
DIBARTOLOMEO, D. and E. WITKOWSKI, 1997. Mutual fund misclassification: Evidence based on style analysis. Financial Analysts Journal. [Cited by 28 ]
EDELEN, R.M. and J.B. WARNER, 1999. Aggregate price effects of institutional trading: a study of mutual fund flow and market returns . [Cited by 49 ]
EDELEN, R.M., 1999. Investor flows and the assessed performance of open-end mutual funds-a comparison of benchmarks and … . Journal of Financial Economics. [Cited by 103 ]
ELTON, E.J., et al. , 2003. Incentive Fees and Mutual Funds . The Journal of Finance. [Cited by 39 ]
ELTON, E.J., M.J. GRUBER and C.R. BLAKE, 1996. The persistence of risk-adjusted mutual fund performance . Journal of Business. [Cited by 120 ]
ELTON, E.J., M.J. GRUBER and C.R. BLAKE, 1996. Survivorship bias and mutual fund performance . Review of Financial Studies. [Cited by 79 ]
ELTON, E.J., M.J. GRUBER and C.R. BLAKE, 2001. … accuracy of the CRSP mutual fund database and a comparison of the CRSP and Morningstar mutual fund … . The Journal of Finance. [Cited by 32 ]
FALKENSTEIN, E.G., 1996. Preferences for stock characteristics as revealed by mutual fund portfolio holdings . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 143 ]
GALLO, J.G., V.P. APILADO and J.W. KOLARI, 1996. Commercial Bank Mutual Fund Activities: Implications for Bank Risk and Profitability . Journal of Banking and Finance. [Cited by 18 ]
GOETZMANN, W.N. and N. PELES, 1997. Cognitive dissonance and mutual fund investors. Journal of Financial Research. [Cited by 52 ]
GOETZMANN, W.N. and R.G. IBBOTSON, 1994. Do Winners Repeat? Patterns in Mutual Fund Behavior,'' . Journal of Portfolio Management. [Cited by 89 ]
GOETZMANN, W.N., Z. IVKOVIC and K.G. ROUWENHORST, 2001. Day trading international mutual funds: Evidence and policy solutions . Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. [Cited by 28 ]
GREENE, J. and C. HODGES, 2002. The Dilution Impact of Daily Fund Flows on Open-End Mutual Funds . Journal of Financial Economics. [Cited by 30 ]
GRINBLATT, M. and S. TITMAN, 1988. Mutual fund performance: an analysis of quarterly portfolio holdings. [Cited by 184 ]
GRINBLATT, M. and S. TITMAN, 1991. The persistence of mutual fund performance. [Cited by 142 ]
GRINBLATT, M. and S. TITMAN, 1993. Performance Measurement without Benchmarks: An Examination of Mutual Fund Returns . Journal of Business. [Cited by 132 ]
GRINBLATT, M. and S. TITMAN, 1994. A study of monthly mutual fund returns and performance evaluation techniques. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. [Cited by 72 ]
GRINBLATT, M., S. TITMAN and R. WERMERS, 1995. Momentum investment strategies, portfolio performance, and herding: A study of mutual fund behavior . American Economic Review. [Cited by 255 ]
GRUBER, M.J., 1996. Another Puzzle: The Growth in Actively Managed Mutual Funds . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 295 ]
HAMILTON, S., H. JO and M. STATMAN, 1993. Doing Well While Doing Good? The Investment Performance of Socially Responsible Mutual Funds. Financial Analysts Journal. [Cited by 34 ]
HENDRICKS, D., J. PATEL and R. ZECKHAUSER, 1993. Hot hands in mutual funds: Short-run persistence of relative performance, 1974-1988 . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 123 ]
HENDRICKS, D., J. PATEL and R. ZECKHAUSER, 1993. Hot Hands in Mutual Funds: Short-run Persistence of Relative Performance. Journal of Finance. [Cited by 26 ]
HENDRICKS, D., J. PATEL and R. ZECKHAUSER, 1993. Hot hands in mutual funds: The persistence of performance 1974-1988. Journal of Finance. [Cited by 33 ]
HENRIKSSON, R.D., 1983. Market timing and mutual fund performance: an empirical investigation. [Cited by 71 ]
INDRO, D.C., et al. , 1999. Mutual fund performance: does fund size matter. Financial Analysts Journal. [Cited by 28 ]
IPPOLITO, R.A., 1989. Efficiency with Costly Information: A Study of Mutual Fund Performance, 1965-1984 . Quarterly Journal of Economics. [Cited by 89 ]
IPPOLITO, R.A., 1992. Consumer reaction to measures of poor quality: Evidence from the mutual fund industry . Journal of Law and Economics. [Cited by 139 ]
JAIN, P.C. and J.S. WU, 2000. Truth in Mutual Fund Advertising: Evidence on Future Performance and Fund Flows . The Journal of Finance. [Cited by 49 ]
JENSEN, M.C., 1968. The performance of mutual funds in the period 1945-1964 . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 474 ]
KAMINSKY, G.L., et al. , 2000. Managers, investors, and crises: mutual fund strategies in emerging markets . [Cited by 49 ]
KAMINSKY, G.L., R. LYONS and S. SCHMUKLER, 2001. Mutual Fund Investment in Emerging Markets: An Overview . The World Bank Economic Review. [Cited by 34 ]
KEIM, D., 1999. An Analysis of Mutual Fund Design: The Case of Investing in Small-Cap Stocks . Journal of Financial Economics. [Cited by 26 ]
KHORANA, A. and H. SERVAES, 1999. The determinants of mutual fund starts . Review of Financial Studies. [Cited by 36 ]
KHORANA, A., 1996. Top management turnover: An empirical investigation of mutual fund managers . Journal of Financial Economics. [Cited by 52 ]
KON, S.J., 1982. The market timing performance of mutual fund managers. [Cited by 29 ]
KOSKI, J.L. and J. PONTIFF, 1999. How Are Derivatives Used? Evidence from the Mutual Fund Industry . The Journal of Finance. [Cited by 65 ]
KOTHARI, S.P. and J.B. WARNER, 2001. Evaluating Mutual Fund Performance . The Journal of Finance. [Cited by 35 ]
LEE, C.F. and S. RAHMAN, 1990. Market Timing, Selectivity, and Mutual Fund Performance: An Empirical Investigation . Journal of Business. [Cited by 29 ]
LEHMANN, B.N., D.M. MODEST and M.P. PAGE, 1985. Mutual fund performance evaluation: a comparison of benchmarks and benchmark comparisons . [Cited by 129 ]
LETTAU, M., 1997. Explaining the facts with adaptive agents: The case of mutual fund flows . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. [Cited by 38 ]
LEVINTHAL, D. and J. MYATT, 1994. Co-evolution of capabilities and industry: The evolution of mutual fund processing. Strategic Management Journal. [Cited by 45 ]
MALKIEL, B.G., 1995. Returns from investing in equity mutual funds 1971 to 1991 . Journal of Finance. [Cited by 243 ]
MASSA, M., 2000. Why so many mutual funds? Mutual fund families, market segmentation, and financial performance . Journal of Financial Ecomonics. [Cited by 14 ]
MONTIER, James, 2005. Seven Sins of Fund Management
NANDA, V., M.P. NARAYANAN and V.A. WARTHER, 2000. Liquidity, Investment Ability, and Mutual Fund Structure . Journal of Financial Economics. [Cited by 30 ]
NANDA, V., Z. WANG and L. ZHENG, 2003. Family Values and the Star Phenomenon: Strategies of Mutual Fund Families . Review of Financial Studies. [Cited by 26 ]
OTTENB, R. and D. BAMS, 2002. European Mutual Fund Performance . European Financial Management. [Cited by 26 ]
PASTOR, L. and R.F. STAMBAUGH, 2001. Mutual fund performance and seemingly unrelated assets . [Cited by 36 ]
PASTOR, L. and R.F. STAMBAUGH, 2001. Investing in equity mutual funds . [Cited by 28 ]
PATEL, J., R. ZECKHAUSER and D. HENDRICKS, 1994. Investment flows and performance: Evidence from mutual funds, cross-border investments and new …. Japan, Europe and the International Financial Markets: …. [Cited by 34 ]
POZEN, R.C. and S.D. CRANE, 1998. The mutual fund business . mitpress.mit.edu. [Cited by 39 ]
REA, J.D. and B.K. REID, 1998. Trends in the Ownership Cost of Equity Mutual Funds. Investment Company Institute Perspective. [Cited by 28 ]
ROSS, S.A., 1976. Mutual fund separation in financial theory: the separating distributions. [Cited by 74 ]
SHARPE, W.F., 1966. Mutual Fund Performance. Journal of Business. [Cited by 373 ]
SHUKLA, R.K. and G.B. VAN, 1995. Do Locals Perform Better Than Foreigners?: An Analysis of UK and US Mutual Fund Managers . Journal of Economics and Business. [Cited by 27 ]
SIRRI, E.R. and P. TUFANO, 1998. Costly Search and Mutual Fund Flows . The Journal of Finance. [Cited by 277 ]
STATMAN, M., 2000. Socially Responsible Mutual Funds . Financial Analysts Journal. [Cited by 28 ]
TREYNOR, J. and K. MAZUY, 1966. Can Mutual Funds Outguess the Market?. Harvard Business Review. [Cited by 154 ]
TUFANO, P. and M. SEVICK, 1997. Board structure and fee-setting in the US mutual fund industry . Journal of Financial Economics. [Cited by 36 ]
WARTHER, V.A., 1995. Aggregate mutual fund flows and security returns . Journal of Financial Economics. [Cited by 118 ]
WERMERS, R. and RUSS, 1999. Mutual Fund Herding and the Impact on Stock Prices . The Journal of Finance. [Cited by 203 ]
WERMERS, R., 1997. Momentum investment strategies of mutual funds, performance persistence, and survivorship bias . Unpublished Working Paper, University of Colorado,[ …. [Cited by 33 ]
WERMERS, R., 2000. Mutual Fund Performance: An Empirical Decomposition into Stock-Picking Talent, Style, Transactions … . The Journal of Finance. [Cited by 146 ]
WERMERS, R., 2000. Mutual Fund Performance: An Empirical Decomposition into Stock-Picking Talent, Style. Transactions Costs, and Expenses, Journal of Finance. [Cited by 31 ]
ZHENG, L., 1999. Is Money Smart? A Study of Mutual Fund Investors' Fund Selection Ability . The Journal of Finance. [Cited by 103 ]